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Dr. Gau 


Mittelstr. 5, 44139 Dortmund, Germany 








Lawyer Dr. Patrick Gau Mittelstr. 5 44139 Dortmund Germany Ministry of Tourism Touristic Villages, Hurghada Al-Bahr al-ahmar 1962553 Egypt Dortmund, 2024-01-04 Your Honorable Excellency, I am writing to you following a disrespectful and inappropriate experience with an Egyptian tourist company in Hurghada called "Red Sea Life", which leads me to the question if I and my family will travel to Egypt again in the future. I request you, Honorable Excellency, to investigate this case and take the necessary measures to restore the climate of mutual respect and trust in your Egyptian tourism institutions in the future. My respectful request to you is based on the following facts of the case: I booked a four-day diving trip for myself and my fiancée, Mrs. Helena Möllers, at the diving center "Red Sea Life", Safaga Rd, Hurghada 1, Red Sea Governorate 1962201, Egypt. On the second day, after the dive, the Egyptian dive guide called "Michael" waited until I was alone in the saloon of the boat and my fiancée was outside, and then spoke to my fiancée, saying how beautiful she was. When she shyly thanked him, he asked if that was all and if she didn't want to kiss him. My fiancée clearly refused, referring to our engagement. My fiancée told me about it in the evening of the same day, as she was worried that it could lead to an unpleasant situation on board if I confronted the dive guide with his misbehavior. On the morning of the following day, I wrote to the company that this behavior deeply offended both me and my fiancée and canceled the other two days I had booked. I asked the company to refund me the money for the last two days. I received written confirmation that the dive guide acknowledged his behavior. Nevertheless, written correspondence over several days led to a written apology from the company, but neither consequences nor a refund of the remaining amount. Instead, the impression is given that they will wait until the tourist - in this case me - gives up and does not pursue the claim any further. Even the threat to write an official complaint to the Ministry of Tourism did not lead to any reaction, so I have to assume that your ministry is not taken seriously by this company. When booking both the hotel and the activities, I deliberately did not take advantage of the cheapest offer in order to get an honest and positive impression of your country and the tourist opportunities. The behavior of one individual, however insulting and defamatory, is certainly not representative of all Egyptian inhabitants. However, the misconduct of the individual, which is reinforced and played down by the behavior of the company “Red Sea Life” despite my complaint, leads me to wonder to what extent this company is suitable to adequately represent your country and the values it stands for, not least values of honor and appreciation of the family, to tourists. This company does not deserve your certificate and shames your country, whose greatness I was able to see during my visits to the Valley of the Kings, Karnak and Luxor. I received a text message upon entering your country that I could respectfully contact the Ministry of Tourism if I had any problems. I am now placing my hopes and expectations in you. As a well-known lawyer in Germany who works closely with courts and authorities, I trust that your authority will intervene so that this company does not continue to damage the good reputation of your country and the trust of tourists in a respectful business relationship with it. I would respectfully request that you keep me informed of your actions and their results. With the highest consideration, Dr. Patrick Gau Rechtsanwalt & Fachanwalt für Strafrecht Kanzleianschrift: Mittelstraße 5 44139 Dortmund - www.drgau.de - Telefon: 0231 / 18 9999 40 Telefax: 0231 / 18 9999 50




Red Sea Life 



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