السبت، 15 مارس 2025، 6:14:28 ص
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тема жалобы(о чём)

Dear Governor! A large number of foreigners live in the area of El Achaea.We have all purchased real estate, we all pay annual taxes, we all comply with the visa regime.We all bought apartments in this area because of the sea.There is one beach in the area, which we all go to since 2010.And not only we, the residents of Fairuz, Le-Le, Mubarak 11, the locals all go to it.There is enough space for everyone, everyone takes care of and takes care of this beach.There is no other beach in the area.The beach is located near the Casablanca and Fiesta complexes.The leadership of the Fiesta fenced the beach with barbed wire and closed the passage, in the summer they stretched the wire directly into the sea, they take money from a European for the passage, they do not let the locals.The beach is not equipped.Every day they come up with new rules, then they don't let the Egyptians in, then they don't let anyone in.Many foreigners who live here live here all the time, go to this beach because they can only walk to it.There are people in wheelchairs.We are all tired of swearing and arguing with the Fiesta.They do not show us the documents for this beach, they do not justify the closure of the passage to the beach. We believe that you will help restore justice. If the entrance is paid, then what are we paying for? We just want the sea.If he is not there, we will sell our apartments and leave, we will not spend money on living in Egypt.Will it be good for Egypt?- I don't think so.And it will be the worst for us.Why mock people like that?Is that fair?We know that this beach does not belong to the Fiesta.Please help us to restore justice.

Название района - области

Hurghada Red Sea Al Axea 


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