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Irina Vyrodova  

ваш адрес

Hurghada, el Ahya, Tiba View  

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тема жалобы(о чём)

Complaint about Hurghada Passport Office Good afternoon! My name is Irina Vyrodova, I am a resident and apartment owner in Hurghada. I would like to complain about the work of Hurghada Passport Office. I went there today to apply for my residency visa, and they refused to provide service. I came to the office at 9 am and got ticket number 105. I waited till 14.30, but when my turn came, they told me they are closed for today. It was very important for me to do it today, because tomorrow my mobile operator will switch off the service. I missed a day of work to do it. I waited 5,5 hours. I saw a lot of people skip the line. I think they pay to some employee so that they do not have to wait in line. There is corruption in Hurghada Passport Office. As a result, people who do everything correctly, cannot get service.

Название района - области



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