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Sara Ward  

ваш адрес

El helal by el helal supermarket  

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тема жалобы(о чём)

I live on the main street of el helal right by el helal supermarket. At night this quiet street turns into a nightmare, children chasing the street animals and throwing stones at them, tormenting a dog that is shut outside 24 hours a day 7 days a week and isn't being cared for correctly. Teenagers fighting in the street in what looks like gangs. I had to stop a group the other day as they had a boy of around 14 years old pinned to the ground by his neck and he couldn't breath! Literally every day I am having to tell the kids to leave the animals alone. 2 days ago a man from Al ahaya dumped 2 8 week old puppies in the street and left them to fend for themselves, the next morning the puppies had vanished! Cars and bikes go up and down the street so fast I am surprised there hasn't been an accident yet. The other day I saw a mother full on smack her child in the face and drag him across the street he is no more than 5 years old. It's about time the police started to do patrols in this area to get things under control before it ends up no different from the likes of el basha Street and central street!

Название района - области

El helal  


Создан в 01.05.2024 19:06  пользователем:  
Изменен в 01.05.2024 19:06  пользователем:  
الحجم : 2.26 ميجا الحجم : 0.98 ميجا الحجم : 19.8 ميجا
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